Week 7 reading for Week 8

Craig docherty
1 min readMar 11, 2021


Reading notes

Apparent Behaviour, Heider and Simmel, 1944 File

  • The sequnecial actions of the men and the girl are related to shapes on a 2d surface
  • In experiment 2 the movements were interpreted as human actions.
  • If the subjects are represented by letters there are many things that occur. They are interpreted as male or female, you consider some people to be together and some to be intruding.
  • There are so many things that could’ve happened that led to a fight between the two subjects.
  • The chouce of vocabulary will depend on how the story is perceived by the reader. If certain subjective words are used then things could seem worse for one than another. In this case big T could’ve been provoked by being teased however it is never implied by the words used. the only words used are described what happened at the time of attack.
  • The use of these words can show the build up of character/personality of the subject. in this case it is the small triangle, big triangle and circle.
  • assigning different characteristics to things may change the outcome of the final result.
  • This is all perception of how the subjects are described. it is all about perception of the vocabularly used throughout to give you a vivid image of what may have happened.

