Week 12

Craig docherty
4 min readApr 13, 2021


This week was very much for applying our fiinishing touches to our concept. We were able to work on our project together to prepare for our final hand in.

We worked on fusion 360 to create our final model and were able to render it in situ. From that model we were able to create production drawings for the different components of our design. Along with this we were able to include parts lists and materials of choice.

These have all been carefully considered as it has to fit into the surroundings and be durable in the situation. In this case outdoors so suitable materials that will be weatherproof and be easy enough to maintain.

The Beacon in Situ

The materials we have chosen are:

Main base — Stone

Stantion — Stainless steel

Ring — Stainless steel

Unicorn Horn — Chrome

Seating — Oak

Light covers — Reinforced Glass (as on the floor it needs to be durable)

The shape and form have been considered carefully through many iterations. Many small chnages allowed us to create a design we were happy with. The shape itself is similar of that to a celtic symbol if looked at from above. The natural stone choice is similar to Stone Henge and to the surrounding buildings. The natural oak sits with the rustic aesthetic as well as the chrome metal that fits with the modern/rustic aesthetic we wanted to portray. We didn’t want our design to look out of place so we had to do our research into the Scottish culture and the surroundings.

Throughout all of this there will be a water filtration system to keep the water clean as it is reused through the system. This will all be controlled through our research on Tinkercad and the coding we will be able to create.

Solar Panels

These solar panels will outline the lights gvinig them the soruce of energy they need to provide lighting at night. This is the best way to integrate this feature into our design and to keep our design eco friendly.

Celtic Sign

Our whole design is based on Scottish heritage and we wanted to keep this the main theme throughout. A view from above shows a celtic symbol as we want to keep this embedded into the design as a whole.

Production Drawings:

Once the drawings were finished we were able to focus on our film and how we were going to achieve the end goal. This was to create a promotional film to sell our concept fro our chosen area, George Street.

We as a group were also able to create a logo for our design so that it was recognisable to the public. This would help us gain interest in our design again attracting attention.

“The Beacon” logo

Our main aim was to impact the behaviour of something with our proposed design. With our design, Behaviour is impacted in a number of ways. Firstly a safe place for people to gather/meet at night times. Another being a modern sleek design for people to sit and enjoy the world go by enjoying the function of the self sustaining, water fountain.

We are very pleased with how we approached this project. Right from the start we were able to narrow down our ideas and keep the development flowing throughout.

