Week 11

Craig docherty
4 min readApr 13, 2021


Final Concept submitted for feedback

Presentation week:

This week we were able to present our final concept and recieve feedback.


  • Maybe instead of planting organic flowers, you could instead plant “Solar panel flowers” that would be able to both look nice, and supply the extra power needed to the system to run it. This would also leave space underneath the plant pots to hide batteries to store power.
  • What purpose does the filtration system provide? — The system could be to provide fresh water to homeless people?
  • it might be nice if the lights intermittently changed colour to encourage people to come closer to it
  • A very suitable location for something so symbolic of scottish heritage, it will be interesting the choice of materials to make it stay visually appealing as a visual monument through time.
    Presumably the council will take care of the flower beds?
  • Strong concept, I like the idea of bringing people together and I feel the concept does this well through its shape, keeping people close together in one space. Scottish heritage has been implemented in the design which I think is important especially for people visiting Edinburgh.
  • Possibly simplify the use or need for power.
  • A well developed concept. Additional angle might be developed in response to the first election debate and the focus on making scotland a mascot for Green Energy.
  • Scale is unclear.
  • The aesthetic of the fountain should be complimentary to the environment it is in…or not… but clarification of this aspect is needed. Unicorn feature seems a bit cartoonish.

This was very useful feedback and after we were able to change our concept a little to refine the areas that we were made aware of. There were comments that we decided not to act upon as we didn’t think it was suitable for our design. However the comments that we have recieved will allow us to refine our idea into a better more realistic outcome for production.

After all of this feedback we got back together via Zoom and put our thoughts back to paper. We collated ideas that we both had and started to conceptualise again. one idea we came to was having a unicorn head in the middle with poles meeting in the middle. This would create a very unique shape however after some thought we realised that it wouldn’t be quite suitable to our design as we need the solar lighting to be very visible.

The Plans for George Street

These are the plans to make George Street a pedestrian only zone and this area is where we could potentially place our new design “The Beacon”.

Very Celtic design

