Prototyping Interactive Experiences

Craig docherty
4 min readJan 28, 2021



Examples from Processing

  • Looked at depth sort example. This was very confusing however after reading it I was able to understand what the example was showing.
  • Looked at Cubic Grid Immediate example. This was interesting as the the way it moved in a 3d format and showed the colour involved. The coding shows the sizes of the box involved and also how the box moves. Shows each individual movement of the box to of course allow the box to be manoeuvred in this way.
  • Looked into the static particles immediate example. This example was different again as it was a static image which had been repeated and rotated around an axis to create the effect. The static effect was created through the movement created I believe.
  • Animated Sprite example. This is example of a change in gif images. As you click the mouse the image changes and also follows at a slow rate. This wouldn’t be the correct speed for high quality animation however it seems like the basic steps of how animation is created.
  • Pattern example in the drawing folder is a cool tool to use as it creates a path of where your curser is. Very sensitive however is an easy concept to grasp.

Choosing a domestic space

There are areas in a home that a product could be related to however, if I was to sit and think about this and the areas that I think would be good to design for and have a greater impact there would only be a couple of options for myself. Watching and listening to different people I know and am related to I have picked up on a few areas that people are struggling in this current global pandemic we are experiencing. As many people are working from home many areas are being converted into office spaces however many people can’t seem to change that area that was once seen as a social relaxing area into an office space which is an area to focus and concentrate on the day ahead. I would like to create a product for a home office work space that will help create a more relaxed environment as well as allowing focus and concentration, by using the senses; smell, sound and touch.

Office desk/design desk analysis

  • Laptop
  • Pen
  • Paper
  • Notepad
  • Eraser
  • Stationary
  • Paperwork
  • Markers
  • Cutting mat
  • Wallet
  • Drinks
  • Food
  • Tools
  • Models
  • Drawings
  • Phone
  • Wires/cables/chargers
  • Coasters
  • Graphics tablets/iPads
  • Light
  • Books
  • Camera

Items in my workspace change very often as it depends what I am doing. If its a normal day my laptop is always in front of me as it is my source of contact (especially through this pandemic) it is also my resource where I can get all my research and all my digital work. I would say my laptop ad my phone are the most important items in my workspace as these are the things I use most often and on a regular basis. I feel these would be very similar for many people as it is an everyday occurrence that a job/workspace involves using technology. Another very important product to have with me is either paper or a notebook and a pen/pencil so that I can sketch out ideas as they come to me and to start some initial concepts. These can be very rough as it is a very quick method so I do not forget these ideas. Different people may have different things at their desk but as for my desk these are the things I would normally have throughout a working day.


Initial Sketches of my coaster concept.

Text Notes

Mori, M. 1970. The Uncanny Valley.


  • Function y = f(x) for example as effort (x) grows, Income (y) increases
  • Robots are clearly designed for functionality and not to look like us as they don’t appear to look like any human.
  • If we look at toy robots they are more aesthetically like humans with two arms two legs etc. Maybe this is why we show these toys more affection and care than we do industrial robots.
  • When we shake hands with a prosthetic hand we change our opinion on what our first experience with sight was. This is because at first glance we believed it to be real however when getting to touch and feel the hand a human is startled and straight away our experience changes.
  • Variation of movement can make a situation go from very good and happy to very creepy in an instant. If a robot was to smile slowly it would be seen as creepy however smile at the speed of a human and that is normal.
  • Maybe the way forward for design is creating something completely different instead of trying to make it the same as humans could then create their own affinity towards that item.

A few concepts, looking at different ways to incorporate senses into a light. Looking at different functions and possibilities these were some of the concepts I was able to come up with. I looked at different shapes and forms so that to the human eye wouldn’t automatically determine what was going to happen. I looked at how you could possibly interact with a light and the differnt ways I could maybe add sound to this. With these things in mind i was thinking of the user experience and how it would make you feel whilst using this product. This product would be a product to allow you to procrastinate. A product that would allow you to be distracted, it would maybe even allow you to relax.



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